SKA Science Data Challenge 2

The IAA-CSIC proto-SRC has offered computing resources for the 2nd SKA Science Data Challenge (SDC2). For more information on how to participate visit:

If your team has been allocated to the IAA-CSIC proto-SRC resource, please email ska-itsupport 'at' to get access.

Virtual machine flavors

Here we show the flavors offered for the SDC2:

Flavor Name vCPUs RAM Root Disk Additional block storage
sdc2.c16m64 16 64 GB 100 GB 2 TB
sdc2.c32m128 32 128 GB 100 GB 2 TB


We will support either 3 teams with the sdc2.c16m64 or 2 teams with the sdc2.c32m128 flavor.

Storage configuration

The storage on the virtual machine has been configured the following way:

  • There is a 2TB scratch area in: /mnt/scratch/sdc2
  • The SDC2 datacube is available in: /mnt/sdc2-datacube/sky_full.fits (read-only)